Letter from LIF’s William A. Jacobson and Johanna E. Markind to the Hon. Catherine Lhamon, Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, Office for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education September 12, 2022
William A. Jacobson, Cornell’s kangaroo court for accused men, LEGAL INSURRECTION (July 28, 2016).
Kemberlee Kaye, Due Process on Campus: What’s Next? (October 4, 8 p.m. ET), LEGAL INSURRECTION (September 18, 2020).
Kemberlee Kaye, In case you missed our live event: Due Process on Campus, What’s Next? LEGAL INSURRECTION (October 14, 2020). Video of the October 4 program is embedded within the article.
Edward Bartlett, Dept. of Education Should Think Twice Before Attempting to Weaponize Title IX, LEGAL INSURRECTION (May 15, 2022).
Johanna Markind, READ: Our Opposition To Biden’s Plan to Gut Campus Due Process and Free Speech, and Impose Gender Ideology, LEGAL INSURRECTION (September 13, 2022).
Johanna Markind, Nineteen Democratic Senators Sign Letter Supporting Title IX Changes Gutting Campus Due Process and Free Speech, and Imposing Gender Ideology, LEGAL INSURRECTION (September 17, 2022).