
Equal Protection Project v. Western Illinois University (Sixteen Scholarships that Restrict Eligibility to Students Who Are “African American,” “Black Women,” “Latino,” or Students who Identify as “LGBTQI+,” or Give Preference to Such Students, Challenged)

Case Particulars


Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights

Date Filed

February 26, 2024

Docket No.


Case Status

OCR Complaint Filed

Case Overview

EPP brought this civil rights complaint against the Western Illinois University (“WIU”), a public institution, for offering and promoting sixteen (16) discriminatory scholarships that either restrict eligibility to students who are “African American,” “Black Women,” “Latino,” or students who identify as “LGBTQI+.” or give preference to such students. The number and scope of these discriminatory programs reflects a systemic discrimination problem at WIU.


EPP is the Complainant in this matter, which is under evaluation by the U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights (OCR).