
Equal Protection Project Objects to Rhode Island Bar Inclusion of DEI in Mandatory Continuing Legal Education

Case Particulars


Rhode Island Supreme Court

Date Filed

May 12, 2023

Docket No.


Case Status

Letter Opposing Inclusion of DEI in Rhode Island Mandatory Continuing Legal Education (MCLE) Transmitted; Rhode Island DEI MCLE Requirement Adopted

Case Overview

EPP has catalogued and acted against racial and ethnic discrimination done in the name of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI).


Unfortunately, DEI is moving into the legal sphere, with 11 states requiring DEI Continuing Legal Education (CLE) credits in order to maintain admission to the Bar. Rhode Island may be the 12th state to impose a mandatory DEI CLE requirement, under a proposal posted by the Rhode Island Supreme Court. The proposal would require that one of the 10 hours of required CLE credits be on  DEI.


EPP, in opposition to this idea, transmitted a letter to the Rhode Island Supreme Court detailing why including DEI as a topic in mandatory CLE was wrong. These details included that DEI is not consistent with equal protection, inevitably devolves into discrimination to achieve ‘equity,’ is counterproductive and ineffective, and is political.


Unfortunately, the Rhode Island Supreme Court adopted a requirement that Rhode Island attorneys study DEI as part of their annual continuing legal education requirement. In response to this, the Equal Protection Project plans to offer DEI training that will satisfy the Rhode Island DEI CLE requirement.