
1619 Project v. American History: Pushing Back Against DOE Efforts to Bias Education

Case Particulars


Date Filed

Docket No.

Case Status

Case Overview

Case Documents

Comment letter from LIF’s William A. Jacobson to the U.S. Department of Education May 19, 2021

Media Coverage

LIF devoted a lot of coverage to the efforts of DOE and the 1619 Project to radicalize teaching American history. A listing of articles may be found here. Some highlights are listed below:

Mike LaChance, NY Times and Nikole Hannah-Jones Quietly Dropping Central Claims of 1619 Project, LEGAL INSURRECTION (September 23, 2020).

Mike LaChance, Scholars Call on Pulitzer Board to Revoke Prize Given to 1619 Project Author Nikole Hannah-Jones, LEGAL INSURRECTION (October 8, 2020).

William A. Jacobson, NY Times Columnist Exposes The Deep Deception Of The NY Times’ 1619 Project, LEGAL INSURRECTION (October 11, 2020).

Kemberlee Kaye, Virtual Event: Rescuing History and Education from The 1619 Project (Sun, March 21 @ 8 PM ET), LEGAL INSURRECTION (March 13, 2021).

William A. Jacobson, VIDEO: Rescuing History and Education From The 1619 Project, LEGAL INSURRECTION (March 31, 2021). Video of both the full March 21 program and an abbreviated version is embedded within the article.

William A. Jacobson, Legal Insurrection Foundation Files Opposition to Education Dept. Proposal To Inject 1619 Project and Kendiism Into Schools, LEGAL INSURRECTION (May 19, 2021).

Stacey Matthews, Fury From The Left After George Will Calls 1619 Project “Historical Illiteracy” and “Not Innocent Ignorance,” LEGAL INSURRECTION (December 19, 2021).

William A. Jacobson, President of American Historical Association Issues Groveling Apology After Backlash Over Criticism of 1619 Project, LEGAL INSURRECTION (August 20, 2022).