
Barrington (RI) United Veterans Against Critical Race Indoctrination Online Event

Project Details

Party(ies) Involved

Barrington United Veterans Council, Legal Insurrection Foundation


Barrington, RI

Time Frame

May 23, 2021

Project Overview

This event arose out of a growing grassroots movement in Rhode Island responding against the Critical Race Theory (CRT) ideology being pushed by governments and schools in a formerly conservative area. Lured by the district’s excellent schools, beautiful location, and property values that were lower than comparable areas in the New York and Boston metropolitan areas, “progressive” leftists moved into the school district and began imposing ideologically left-wing values.

For example, in late August 2020, the Barrington town manager unilaterally raised the Black Lives Matter flag on the town flag pole outside town hall above a veterans memorial. That led to an outcry of protest from the Barrington United Veterans Council (BUVC), which previously had objected to any political movement flags being flown at that location. BUVC, headed by Lt. Col. Paul Dulchinos, led a “Keep Politics Off The Flagpole” campaign; it was to no avail, as the town council affirmed the town manager’s decision, voted to fly the BLM flag indefinitely, and rejected BUVC’s request in such case also to fly the “Back The Blue” flag.

At least some teachers in the Barrington school system actively fought a proposal to ban teaching CRT in public schools. Teachers also recruited students to help them. Public testimony on the bill made clear that some student opposition was organized as part of class activities.

The webinar’s specific precipitating event was the Barrington town council’s commitment to sponsor, promote, and provide logistical support for an April 26, 2021, online lecture by Professor Ibram X. Kendi, the well-known CRT advocate and the person most associated with the CRT variation called “antiracism” training. Kendi was paid $15,000 for a one-hour “conversation” with Barrington’s outside diversity consultant, paid by the massive Rhode Island Foundation and apparently additional private donors. The Barrington Public Library used its Zoom account for the event, and had 100 copies of Kendi’s book to give away to library visitors. The zoom meeting provided 600 spots but did not sell out. Reportedly, only about 400 people attended.

With the help of Legal Insurrection Foundation and Rhode Island Coalition for Israel, BUVC organized a webinar countering promotion of CRT ideology. Event speakers included LIF founder and president William A Jacobson, BUVC’s Lt. Col. Dulchinos, Prof. Wilfred Reilly, Ian Rowe, Asra Q. Nomani, and Paul Rossi.

Our Involvement

At the request of Barrington United Veterans Council, LIF helped organize a webinar countering Kendi’s narrative and showing that race-shaming, playing races against each other, and making everything about race are not the answer, but rather part of the problem. LIF put together a panel, and (with the help of Rhode Island Coalition for Israel) sponsored and promoted the event, including placing a full-page ad in The Barrington Times newspaper.

Case Documents

The event was videotaped. See link below.

Media Coverage

William A. Jacobson, VIDEO – Veterans, Educators, and Parents Stand Against Race-Shaming and Other ‘Critical Race’ Tactics, LEGAL INSURRECTION (May 30, 2021). Video of the May 23 event (both the full event and an abbreviated version) is embedded within the article. The full program may also be accessed here.

William A. Jacobson, Barrington (RI) United Veterans Against Critical Race Indoctrination (Online Event – May 23, 8 p.m. Eastern), LEGAL INSURRECTION (May 6, 2021).

William A. Jacobson, Veterans Group Alleges Retaliation For Opposing Flying BLM Flag Over Barrington (RI) Veterans Memorial, LEGAL INSURRECTION (March 13, 2021).